Bollywood actor Anupam Kher is so impressed with director Anurag Singh’s Punjab 1984, which focuses on the 1984-86 Punjab insurgency, that he says it should go to the Oscars. Starring Punjabi singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh, Pavan Malhotra and Kirron Kher, the film was released on June 27 and has earned rave reviews.
Praising the film, Kher tweeted: “Anurag Singh’s Punjab 1984 is outstanding cinema. It is film worthy of going to Oscars. Take a bow the entire team.:)”
Kher also praised his wife Kirron’s performance in the movie. “Diljeet is BRILLIANT, so is Pawan Malhotra. Everyone is superb. But d Soul of d film is @KirronKherBJP.:)#Punjab1984,” he wrote.