Star rapper, Yo Yo Honey Singh is the latest celebrity after actor Akshay Kumar to buy a team in the World Kabbadi League which is scheduled to be held in five different countries from August to December in 2014. He has named it Yo Yo Tigers, because he feels it will help people relate to it.
"I wanted to associate with a sport that I really believe in. So I bought a team in World Kabbadi League, and Toronto will host my team," Singh, who had also started Global Fighting Championship (GFC) in Dubai, told reporters here.
"I have named the team after my own name because I want to represent the game internationally. I know children and youth relate to me, so I feel they will support my team as much as they support me," he added.
The 31-year-old has also shared that he will give his best while promoting the team and that soon he will launch a track for the same.
"I like action-based sports and kabbadi is my favourite. I wanted to be associated with a sport on which I really believe, so I bought a team in World Kabbadi League and Toronto will host my team," Singh, who had also started Global Fighting Championship in Dubai.
"I have been involved in it for the last one and half months and I think it is truelly global. I have named it on my name, 'Yo Yo Tigers' and I am really excited to see it on screen when it is covered in Sony Six," he added.