One of the most expensive Punjabi films ever, Mirza-The Untold Story, premiered with a suitable razzmatazz. The film’s star cast and famous names from the world of Punjabi film and music industry walked the red carpet, and entertained a packed crowd at DT Cinemas at IT Park a few days ago. While Gippy Grewal, the lead, sang Pind Nanke from the film, actor and music director Yo Yo Honey Singh rendered his hit number, Brown Rang, from the album International Villager. The film has been directed by Baljeet Singh Deo. Among the stars, Mandy Takhar, the lead heroine, singer Mani Aujla, the film’s other music director Jatinder Shah, and actors Mahie Gill, Rahul Dev, and Binu Dhillon flew down to Chandigarh for the premiere. Singers Alfaaz and J Star played their hit numbers, but the show stealer was the evergreen Gurdas Mann who belted out his classic, Chhalla. The film, a retelling of the Punjabi folklore, Mirza Sahiba, has been made on a budget of Rs 5 crore, and opened to packed houses at multiplexes. Source :