Punjabi and Bollywood film actor Satish Kaul is on a mission these days: to make people aware that the elderly must have a dignified life with their kids and not in old age homes. Kaul, who himself lives in a senior citizen home, said: “I myself have suffered negligence at the hands of my loved ones, so I know how it feels to be ill treated.”
Living alone after a divorce, Kaul has campaigned in Bathinda, Chandigarh, Faridkot and many other areas in favour of better treatment for the elderly. He also interacts with inmates of old age homes.
“The women inmates cry when I interact with them. A few had been sent to the old age homes after being forced to sign away their property. Now, parents can even sue their children for this so they need to be educated.”
“Most in old age homes have sons and daughters who are well settled but refuse to take responsibility of their parents. They often come in luxury cars to see their parents. In Punjab a new trend has emerged: NRIs leave their elders in old age homes to enjoy a carefree life abroad,” he added.
Source : indianexpress