Filmmaker Avtar Bhogal, who makes movie on contemporary topics, has launched a film on honour killing, titled 'Rubba Maaf Kareen'. The film deals with the high rate of honour killings of daughters and their beaus and going against family traditions to get married to their choice of men. The movie stars actors from India, Pakistan and Britain.
"I was very hurt when I used to read news like 'my daughter deserved to die for falling in love; man stabbed his 16 year-old-daughter to death because he disapproved of her Christian boyfriend; sister is stabbed to death for loving the wrong man, children were made to watch an attack on a woman who was forbidden to marry outside her caste," says Avtar, who was then moved to capture the scenario in a film.
The film stars debutants Zara Sheikh and Sundeep Singh as the young girl and boy whose love is opposed by their parents. It also sees veteran actors Gulshan Grover, Prem Chopra and Tom Alter playing pivotal roles, besides a foreign face, Chloe Wicks.
The film's music is given by Uttam Singgh, while it is produced by Harjinder Singh. Set in UK, the story revolves around three friends, an Indian, a Pakistani and an Englishman. The plot progresses with the children of the Indian and the Pakistani falling in love. This is where problems between friends begin and friendship turns to bitter enmity. Despite advice from the British friend, the Indian and the Pakistani are rigid and do not accept their children's love, who are then forced to elope eventually. (Times of India)