Singer Gippy Grewal is on a high. After giving a series of Punjabi hits in the past, including rib-tickler Carry On Jatta, the singer turned actor has now come up with a new project Lucky Di Unlucky Story. The music for the film was released on Saturday in Chandigarh. Talking about the movie, Gippy, whos in the lead, said, "Its a comic thriller, which deals with common issues in a hilarious way. We did massive research work before starting the project."
While the movie is directed by Sameep Kang, the music for the same is given by Jatinder Shah. When contacted Shah said, "This film will be an addition to the particular genre. The music is soft as well as loud. " The movie also has Binnu Dhillon, Surveen Chawla, Gurpreet Ghuggi, Jaswinder Bhalla and Karamjeet Anmol. According to Gippy, Binnu and Ghuggi will be shown playing married men, whereas Gippy plays a bachelor.
Source : TOI