Actress Kulraj Randhawa ventured into the film industry with Punjabi movies and then progressed to Bollywood. Now she is again changing gears and intends to do films down South. The TV actress made her full fledged debut on big screen in 2006 with Punjabi film Mannat opposite Jimmy Shergill, and later did a Hindi film Chintuji (2009) alongside veteran actor Rishi Kapoor. The 28-year-old who played Bobby Deol's love interest in the successful, Yamla Pagla Deewana, now wants to try her luck in Tollywood. "I had been receiving offers from South film industry since quite some time. But earlier nothing interested me much. There are couple of projects in pipeline.. I have offers from Hindi, Punjabi and South film industry," Kulraj told PTI in an interview. "The offers are mostly for Telugu films and I should do a film this year," she said. "It will be difficult and would take time for me to pick up the language but it would happen gradually. But then I would take up classes during the course of the film. At least for sometime I would see if someone can dub for me till the time I get the language right," she said. She would be seen next opposite Tusshar Kapoor in Char Din Ki Chandni that releases on March 9.