Some five months after rapper Honey Singh faced flak for singing vulgar songs, the singer released a notice in English and Punjabi dailies on Monday denying having sung the controversial Main Hoon Balatkari. According to the notice issued by the singers counsel, Honey Singh alias Hirdesh Singh has claimed that the lewd song is not in any way connected to his screen name Yo Yo Honey Singh as "perceived otherwise by fans and public at large."
The notice also states that anyone who has sung or recorded the song using Honey Singhs screen identity will face legal action. The notice also accuses "anti-social elements and miscreants" of attempting to malign the rappers image, which the singer adds, has taken a heavy toll on his social and personal life.
The Nawanshahr police had earlier this month booked Honey Singh for singling lewd songs under section 294 of the IPC (obscene acts and songs) after it was pulled up by the Punjab and Haryana High Court for not taking action on a complaint filed in January, this year, by Parvinder Singh Kitna of the Punjab Human Empowerment League (HELP).
The court had slammed the singer after reading the lyrics of his songs. The FIR registered in Nawanshahr city police station had mentioned that his songs were crossing all limits of decency and particularly singled out Main Hoon Balatkari, stating that the number provoked sexual violence against women.
Source : Indian Express